Monday, May 11, 2009

The Triops Adventure Continues

For those of you that were wondering – no, the triops have not met an untimely demise – they are two weeks old now and happily swimming around their tank.

As Krystyne would say, “they’re strange little creatures.” But they seem happy enough. We gave them a small soufflĂ© dish with some fine sand to play in – hopefully they’ll lay their eggs in there too so we don’t have to go hunting through the whole tank to gather the next generation. The boys have been tasked to find any spiders in the house to feed the triops snacks.

I haven’t been posting about the triops lately because I’m blogging regularly about living with food allergies at When Krystyne and I learned that our youngest son, Liam, is deadly allergic to peanuts we felt so lost and confused. Last week was “Allergy Awareness Week”, so we decided to start a blog that would help other parents who have found themselves in the same situation. Hopefully we can also help people understand the difficulties in living with a severe food allergy.

One good place to start is to take the 24-hour allergen-free challenge, and try to live one day carefully avoiding allergen ingredients in everything you eat.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Triops Adventure, Days 8-10

We moved the triops into the new tank on Friday – we did only have two after all. Since then, the larger of the two has probably doubled in size. Tonight he was starting to split his shell and probably getting ready to grow yet again.